David Kidd
David joined Law Deb on the first working day of 2009. Prior to that, he was Chief Investment Director for 3 financial services businesses in a City career spanning 25 years.
He holds degrees from the universities of St Andrews and Oxford.
David represents Law Deb on seven schemes including DHL, Marks & Spencer, Syngenta and Xerox. On behalf of the trustees, he frequently leads in triennial valuation negotiations with sponsors.
Although perhaps better known for getting straight to the point, he displayed his indefatigability by successfully leading the British Tourist Boards throughout four years of protracted negotiations which ultimately resulted in the securing of guarantees from the Crown and the Scottish Government.
Somewhat unusually for an investment professional, David also held board responsibility for HR for two companies for more than ten years. At Law Deb, he utilises this experience in interviewing and mentoring colleagues and trustees.
What our clients say:
“David is a truly first-class professional trustee. He has a tremendous depth of investment expertise and successfully chairs our investment committee. His pragmatism and sense of humour make him a key influencer on the Trustee Board. His understanding and common sense have helped influence group pensions strategy.”
Peter Flanagan, Chair of the Trustee, DHL Group Retirement Plan (June 2020)