Tim Bond
Non-executive Director
Tim Bond is a member of the Audit and Risk, Remuneration and Nomination Committees of The Law Debenture Corporation plc, having joined the Board in April 2015.
Tim is a partner of Odey Asset Management LLP having joined in 2010 as its head of macroeconomic strategy and currently manages Odey’s Odyssey Fund. Before joining Odey, Tim spent 12 years at Barclays Capital as managing director and head of global asset allocation. Tim was editor and principal author of Barclays Capital's Equity Gilt Study and chief advisor to the bank's RADAR fund. Prior to Barclays, Tim worked at Moore Capital and spent 10 years as a strategist and trader for Tokai Bank Europe, a proprietary trading boutique. Tim graduated in English Literature from Oriel College, Oxford in 1985.